Boutique en ligne - Cartes : postales, routières, guides touristiques

The Wilaya Of Tipasa

The Wilaya Of Tipasa

Prix : 850 (DA) - 9 €

Created in 1984 on a 123 Kilometer long coastal strip, the wilaya of Tipasa appears like a four sided land running parallel with the sea on the western side of Algiers .
This country , formerly dedicated to the leisure of the &lsquo'Algérois'' Inhabitants of Algiers , has found itself , from one day to the next propelled in the foreground and , pushed to build up a personality and set itself as a centre housing many small localities , more or less important villages , a small fishing ports and a farming hinterland .
In fact , the wilaya has all ingredients that would make a unique town , based on its traditional assets : archeological richness , farming bent , maritime side and , finally exceptional tourist capacities .


Votre panier : Fermer